Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Obesity and Diabetes

How Body Fat Is Connected To Diabetes?

As we know that the world just keeps growing harder and complicater, and diabetes is  one of the biggest diseases that's looking upwards growth trends. 

Many persons are becoming affected by diabetes and unfortunately, it's not just adults. Now,diabetes is being seen quite regularly in our youth, that’s indicating just how big of a problem this is really coming to be. Both children as well as adults are being affected by diabetes disease as their weight continues to take a steady trend upwards into the obese category.
But do you know, how does body fat play a role in diabetes and what's the informations that you need to know about? 

Let's take a look closer at how your body fat is associated to diabetes disease so you can see for yourself the link that's coming into play.

The Nutrient Consumption Risk
If you have body fat at high levels , this is will be indicative that you are not taking a diet that contains enough levels of vegetables and fruits in most instances. Instead, people who are suffering from high levels of body fat more likely consuming fast foods, highly processed breakfast, high fat snack foods, and cereal bars, and so on.
Since they are filling their stomach with these nutrient devoid items rather than the highly nutritious vegetable and fruits that you really need, this is will be going to place extra stress on your pancreas and make it even harder to secrete the level of insulin required to take care of the glucose in the blood.

The Body Fat-Insulin Connection
The other issue that's will come into play is the fact that the greater body fat that you have on the body, the greater the insulin level that going to be required in order to deliver the glucose to the cells after carbohydrates are taken.
As the insulin isn’t secreted in enough amounts, your glucose will stay in the blood stream,this will causing high blood glucose which is the entire problem with diabetes in the first place.
As more & more the body fat comes to accumulate, the more insulin will constantly be needed & this insulin overproduction could really wear on your body's system.

Receptor Issues
And finally, when there is increased fat in the blood stream by reason of  high levels of body fat, this can activate a certain receptor in the our body known as GPR40, which usually responds to high levels of blood sugar by helping a high increase in insulin production.
But when fat is also present in addition to the sugar in the blood, this activates these receptors even further, therefore you get an even larger production of insulin.
Again, over time this begins to wear on the pancreas until eventually it's burnt out and just not functioning properly.

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So there are many ways in which body fat is linked to the development of diabetes that you have to know about.
One of the biggest recommendations for those who are presently at risk for diabetes disease is to decrease their overall level of body fat and these are the first reasons why. 

( @2011, Top Fat Burner )

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